Shale Study Falls Short
Little usable data gathered on drill cuttings, waste
Morgantown Dominion Post
6 January 2014
By David Beard
CHARLESTON — A WVU study of horizontal gas well drill cuttings and
other waste going into landfills provided little useful
information, but the state Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) is taking steps to protect landfill workers from potential
radiation exposure.
There has been ongoing national discussion about bringing
naturally occurring radioactive materials to the surface during
horizontal shale drilling and depositing those materials into
landfills where they could potentially affect workers and
communities and leach into water supplies. West Virginia law
requires all drill cuttings to be treated as “special waste” and
deposited into approved landfills.
Professor Paul Ziemkiewicz, director of the West Virginia Water
Research Institute, told interim Judiciary Committee members on
Sunday that the study team was unable to obtain drill cutting
samples from the horizontal Marcellus shale during its 2012 study
for several reasons: Hurricane Sandy, lack of time, operator
problems and failure of the DEP to select a backup site.
The $266,336 water and waste study did show that flowback water
contained alpha and beta particles and radium 226 and 228 above
safe drinking water standards. Drilling mud samples also contained
various inorganic and organic substances above safe levels —
including barium, chromium, nitrate, arsenic, toluene, benzene and
Asked what’s next, Ziemkiewicz said further study is needed.
Researchers need to determine the best way to take samples, and
characterize which of all the potentially hazardous substances
pose the real problem.
State Geologist Michael Hohn said a New York study of Marcellus
cuttings and waste shows, based on limited data, there is little
chance of public exposure and no public health threat, but
landfill workers may be at risk and monitoring is needed.
Mike Dorsey, with the DEP, said Pennsylvania is on the cutting
edge of studying these issues. It will be doing extensive research
in February and publishing the result around June. Given the
shortfalls of the West Virginia study, the DEP will be looking to
this for insight and guidance.
Scott Mandirola, director of the DEP’s Division of Water and
Waste, said Pennsylvania has radiation monitors at its landfill
scales. About 1,000 loads – 1 percent of all the drilling material
that went into landfills, triggered alarms. That was a total of
15,000 tons of waste, and only 622 tons had levels high enough to
His division, he said, plans to emulate Pennsylvania and set up
radiation monitors at all landfill scales. Because the radiation
is largely and easily blocked alpha particles and relatively
short-range beta particles, “the best thing to do is bury it. But
the people handling it need to be protected from overall
exposure.” Anything that triggers an alarm will be further
examined, and all landfills will have direct access to the DEP for