FODC Targets Litter in Streams

Morgantown Dominion Post
16 May 2010
Submitted to The Dominion Post

This past month, Friends of Deckers Creek (FODC) actively targeted areas within the Deckers Creek watershed which are significant sources of litter in local streams.

Areas such as the Deckers Creek Trail through Sabraton, Summers School Road just outside Morgantown, and Lower Aarons Creek Road collect large amounts of litter in short periods of time. All are near Deckers Creek or a major tributary to Deckers Creek.

Litter continues to be an issue in our community causing environmental harm, destroying habitats, creating an eyesore and polluting streams within the Deckers Creek watershed, already dealing with problems such as acid mine drainage, bacteria from untreated sewage and storm water pollution.

FODC staff teamed with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, members of Generation Morgantown and the WVU Center for Civic Engagement to hold three litter clean-ups throughout the watershed during April.

Plastic wrappers and containers from fast food restaurants and convenience stores, as well as cigarette butts, make up most of the litter within the watershed.

However, FODC staff also discovered a few large dump sites along Lower Aaron’s Creek Road. These illegal dump zones contained more than 15 tires, furniture, more than 10 television sets, computer monitors, appliances and more.

With community support and increased education, FODC hopes to eliminate the litter and illegal dumping problems in the area, thereby making the natural environment and community a better place to live.

If you know of a street or stretch of stream in need of a litter cleanup or an area of an illegal dump site, contact Brian Carlson, or 304-292-3970.

FODC is staffed by a full-time Americorps VISTA worker. The recent 4th annual Spring Meltdown at Morgantown Brewing Company raised nearly $5,000 to support the Office of Surface Mining/Americorps VISTA for 2010-2011.
