Creek Group Needs Citizen Monitors

Morgantown Dominion Post
24 February 2013
Submitted to The Dominion Post

Friends of Deckers Creek (FODC) is recruiting volunteers who live or work in Preston County to take part in a water quality monitoring program.

The monitoring is part of FODC’s requirements under a U.S. EPA Environmental Justice grant.

The citizen-based water monitoring program is part of The Watershed Bill of Rights project.

The program is designed to help protect the Deckers Creek and surrounding watersheds by educating residents on how to prevent, reduce and eliminate water pollution.

In a half-day training session, the volunteers will learn how, and be equipped to, monitor streams for data in areas potentially threatened by pollution from new natural gas drilling sites.

Citizens will do bi-weekly stream monitoring for a variety of chemicals, as well as do a visual survey of work going on near the monitoring site in connection with the gas drilling.

Data gathered by the Citizen Scientists will be used by the W.Va. Department of Environmental Protection and agencies to develop practices and environmental regulations.

So far, FODC has trained 27 citizen scientists in the Monongalia County region of the watershed, but needs volunteers to monitor the upper reaches, in Preston County.

Info on becoming a monitor: Hannah@deckers or 304-292-3970.