Comment Period Extended on Monongahela River Watershed Draft
WV-DEP Release
29 August 2013
By request, the West Virginia Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) is extending the comment period through Sept. 16,
2013, on the draft Total Maximum Daily Loads in the Monongahela
River Watershed.
A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a plan of action used to
clean up streams not meeting state water quality standards. The
federal Clean Water Act requires TMDL development for these
impaired streams. The pollutants addressed in the Mon River
Watershed TMDLs are acidity (pH), total iron, total manganese,
total selenium, dissolved aluminum, chlorides and fecal coliform.
After consideration of public comments, the DEP will submit final
draft TMDLs to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for
The DEP invites public comment on all aspects of the draft TMDLs.
The comment period began Aug. 2, 2013. Written comments may be
submitted by U.S. Mail, electronic mail, and fax. The preferred
form for comment submissions is e-mail or disk in order to
expedite the review and response process. Written comments should
be postmarked no later than Sept. 16, 2013. Comments should be
sent to:
Steve Young, ATTN: Monongahela River TMDL Comments
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street
Charleston, WV 25304
The TMDLs are available for review on the DEP’s webpage:
CDs may also be obtained by calling Steve Young at (304) 926-0495,
TTY 711 (304) 558-2751.