Comment Period for TMDLs in Monongahela Watershed
WVDEP News Release
2 August 2013
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
announces a comment period and public meeting on draft Total
Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for impaired streams in the
Monongahela River watershed.
A Total Maximum Daily Load is a plan of action used to clean up
streams not meeting water quality standards. Each of the streams
under TMDL development has been identified as violating state
water quality standards and the federal Clean Water Act requires
TMDL development for them. The pollutants addressed in this
project are acidity (pH), total iron, total manganese, total
selenium, dissolved aluminum, chlorides and fecal coliform. After
consideration of public comments, DEP will submit final draft
TMDLs to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for approval.
A public meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m., August 20, 2013 to
present a general discussion of the TMDL development process and
to answer questions regarding the proposed TMDLs. The meeting will
be held at Fairmont State University in the Falcon Center,
Conference Room 3, Room 303, 2101 Locust Ave., Fairmont, WV.
Parking is available to guests on the third floor of the parking
garage across from the Falcon Center.
The DEP invites public comment on all aspects of the draft TMDLs.
The comment period begins August 2, 2013 and extends through
September 3, 2013. Written comments may be submitted by U.S. Mail,
electronic mail, and fax. The preferred form for comment
submissions is e-mail or disk in order to expedite the review and
response process. Written comments should be postmarked no later
than September 3, 2013. Comments should be sent to:
Steve Young, ATTN: Monongahela River TMDL Comments
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street
Charleston, WV 25304
The TMDLs will be available for review by close of business August
2, 2013 on DEP’s webpage:
CDs may also be obtained by calling Steve Young at:
(304) 926-0495, TTY 711
(304) 558-2751