DEP Sets Public Hearings for Proposed Legislative Rules
WV DEP Release
29 June 2012
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection has
scheduled public hearings for its 2013 proposed legislative rules.
All hearings will take place at the DEP’s Charleston headquarters,
located at 601 57th St., S.E., Charleston, WV, 25304. Oral and
written comments will be limited to the proposed revisions and
will be made a part of the rulemaking record. Copies of the rules
are available from the Secretary of State’s office or by visiting
the DEP’s Web site at:
You may also obtain hard copies of the information by calling the
numbers listed below. Written comments may be submitted to the
Public Information Office at the above address. Comments may also
be emailed to:
The hearing dates and locations are as follows:
Division of Air Quality
45CSR14 -- Permits for Construction and Major Modifications of
Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution for the Prevention of
Significant Deterioration.
45CSR16 -- Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
45CSR18 -- Control of Air Pollution from Combustion of Solid
45CSR25 -- Control of Air Pollution from Hazardous Waste
Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities.
45CSR30 -- Requirements for Operating Permits.
45CSR34 -- Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants.
The public hearing for all Air Quality rules is scheduled to begin
at 6 p.m., on July 30, 2012 in the Dolly Sods Conference Room. The
comment period will end at the conclusion of the public hearing on
July 30. Upon authorization and promulgation of revisions to
45CSR14, the DAQ will submit the rule to the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency as a revision to the State Implementation Plan
pursuant to the federal Clean Air Act. Upon authorization and
promulgation of revisions to 45CSR18, the DAQ will submit the
final rule to the EPA for approval as part of West Virginia’s
Section 111(d)/129 Plan and program delegation of the federal New
Source Performance Standards. Rules 45CSR16, 45CSR25, and 45CSR34
will be submitted to the EPA to fulfill other federal obligations
under the Clean Air Act, including delegations, plans and program
approvals. Upon authorization and promulgation of 45CSR30,
the rule will be submitted to the EPA as a revision to the State’s
Operating Permit Program under Title V of the federal Clean Air
For more information on DAQ rules, call 304-926-0475.
Division of Water and Waste Management
33CSR12 -- Covered Electronic Device Recycling Rule.
33CSR27 -- Hazardous Waste Administrative Proceedings and Civil
Penalty Assessment.
47CSR26 -- Water Pollution Control Permit Fee Schedules.
The public hearing for all DWWM rules is scheduled to begin at 6
p.m., on Aug. 7, 2012 in the Coopers Rock Conference Room. The
comment period will end at the conclusion of the public hearing on
Aug. 7.
For more information on DWWM rules, call 304-926-0495.
Division of Mining and Reclamation
47CSR30 -- WV/NPDES Rule for Coal Mining Facilities.
The public hearing for this rule is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m.,
on Aug. 7, 2012 in the Coopers Rock Conference Room.
The comment period will end at the conclusion of the public
hearing on Aug. 7.
For more information about this rule, call 304-926-0490.
Office of Oil and Gas
35CSR8 -- Rule Governing the Development of Horizontal Wells.
The public hearing for this rule is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m.,
on July 31, 2012 in the Coopers Rock Conference Room.
The comment period will end at the conclusion of the public
hearing on July 31.
For more information about this rule, call 304-926-0450.