Arch Coal Submits New Mine Ventilation Shaft Plan Near Tygart
Lake State Park
The State Journal
28 May 2014
By Kelsey Pape, Marion and Taylor County Reporter
TAYLOR COUNTY - Arch Coal has proposed a new location for its
ventilation shaft near Tygart Lake State Park in Grafton after
residents and park visitors spoke out unfavorably about its
initial location.
The new site proposed by ICG Tygart Valley LLC is more than 2,600
feet away from the state park boundary, compared to the initial
proposal of approximately 300 feet. The Department of
Environmental Protection also said the new location is located on
top of a densely forested ridge instead of in a valley. The
new proposal indicates that the ventilation shaft would not be
very visible due to its location and the trees the company plans
to plant around it.
Other concerns residents and park visitors voiced included bright
lights in the area of the project, which Arch Coal proposes
lighting be directed downward, using a diffuser, and will be
"utilized only to the extent necessary to provide necessary
security, and employee safety". To reduce noise, Arch Coal
wants to place the fan motor in a cinderblock structure with noise
dampening foam, that will be covered with sound-proofing
materials. The ventilation air would be directed upward and
isn't expected to have adverse public health or environmental
effects, said a news release from the DEP.
Arch Coal would construct the project in the fall and winter, when
there are fewer park visitors. The DEP said the plan doesn't
include blasting and surface runoff would be captured by temporary
drainage controls directed away from the lake.
The DEP's Division of Mining and Reclamation will review the plan
and will consider public comments during a public comment period
after four advertisements explaining the project are published.