August 25, 2004
Congressman Alan B. Mollohan
2302 Rayburn House Office
Washington DC 20515
RE: Interim Solution Upper Mon Lock Hours
Dear Congressman Mollohan,
Mepco, Inc. is a coal mining company located in the upper Monongahela watershed near Morgantown, WV. We ship approximately 1.4MM tons per year via barge on the Mon River and have been doing so for over 25 years.
We feel we have a vested interest in the activities that are conducted on the Mon River, and are requesting that you support the request of the Upper Monongahela River Association to implement their Interim Solution.
The combined usage of the locks and river system from commercial & pleasure interests bodes well for the present and future. This is a resource that needs your support to maintain and increase our investments well into the future.
James L. Laurita Jr.