August 24, 2004

Congressman Alan B. Mollohan
2302 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

RE: Interim Solution Upper Mon Lock Hours

Dear Congressman Mollohan:

Friends of Deckers Creek represents a membership of about 300 citizens and businesses in Monongalia and Preston Counties that promote the recreational opportunities and economic benefits that clean water brings to our community. The lock hours on the Monongahela River affect the ability of boaters to use the river and nearby Deckers Creek for recreation, and we ask you to support a proposed interim solution.

The Upper Mon locks at Hildebrand and Opekiska are now open only from 12:30PM to 8:20PM Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during the recreational boating season. The Morgantown lock, open 7AM to 3PM weekdays, switches to the hours for Hildebrand and Opekiska on weekends and holidays. We appreciate that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has made this concession for recreational boating, given their budget problems.

Friends of Deckers Creek supports the Interim Solution for Upper Mon recreational boating lock hours that has been proposed by the Upper Monongahela River Association. Until they are restored to 24/7 operations, we would like to have the three locks open from 6AM to l0PM on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during the May 1 to October 31 recreational boating season. Doing so will encourage recreational boaters to travel the Upper Mon from Point Marion to Fairmont on weekends. It would also permit continuation of efforts by our Mon River VISION 2020 Recreation Committee, Morgantown Area Chamber of Commerce, and others to pursue economic development of the Upper Mon for recreational boating and related recreations. We believe that the cost of this Interim Solution is minimal.

We ask that you help bring about our proposed Interim Solution for the Upper Mon lock hours.


Evan Hansen
