Thursday 15 April 2004
Congressman Alan B. Mollohan
2346 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515-4801
202-225-4172 (fax 7564)
RE: Status of Boating Infrastructure Grant
Dear Congressman Mollohan:
I ask for your help in determining the status of our Upper Mon Boating Infrastructure Grant, which we expected to receive in March 2003.
Patrick Donovan of the WV Public Port Authority (304-558-0330) prepared the grant application, as requested circa June 2002 by our Mon River Recreation VISION 2020 Committee, Morgantown Area Chamber of Commerce. He submitted the application to the Northeast Regional Office of the US Fish & Wildlife Service (413-253-8200) in September 2002.
We were disappointed that the BIG docks for Star City and Morgantown were not available for the 2003 boating season. There is still time to get these docks in the river for the 2004 season if the grant is soon forthcoming.
Your help with this matter will be most appreciated!
Donald Strimbeck, Secretary
Upper Monongahela River Association, Inc.
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